Wednesday, August 28, 2013


            My distribution plan is to advertise utilizing all available media outlets. I will use a small budget for television, radio, and newsprint advertising. However I plan on launching a large social media and web based advertising project. This will prove to be more cost effective, and it will get the word out to a larger demographic. My plan is to use QR codes on the packaging that will allow customers to scan them and be taken directly to our web page. Our web page will have a list of our distributors, and the ability for them to enter their zip code and find the closest distributer to them. We will also give customers the ability to order online, and have out product shipped directly to their front door, via Fed Ex, UPS, or any USPS. We hope to boost this option by offering special pricing for online and bulk orders; we are also looking at putting together special holiday and personalized packages. 162 I estimate we will need a 10,000 square foot distribution warehouse located adjacent to our production center. Short term plan is to distribute all orders out of this location. Long term goal is to have distribution centers in the west, central, and eastern parts of the US. Again I do plan to use assorted Parcel carriers to fulfill home, and smaller deliveries. For larger deliveries we are currently working on a shipping contract with an OTR trucking company that specializes in the shipping and warehousing of food products. We will work closely with this company to distribute to larger grocery chains, while continuing to maintain our goal of delivering a quality product on time, and at an affordable price.        

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